Writing for Peace & Justice

That’s me!

I offer a 25% discount to not-for-profit organizations, NGOs and their employees. Please contact me to discuss further!

The world needs your best work. I help you accomplish the writing part.


I am a perfectionist as a proof-reader, catching grammar, vocabulary and spelling faux pas that can diminish the effectiveness of your writing. I proofread any type or size of document, from a line of copy to a grant application. This is provided at the flat rate of $0.02 cents per word.

Developmental Editing & Coaching

Includes content suggestions and editing on your document, or organizing existing text into a coherent whole. I help you adjust your writing style to a peacemaking and conflict resolution focus, and make your work easy to read and connect with your audience. I also provide suggestions on job search materials including resume and cover letters. This is on an hourly basis at a rate of $40 per hour.

Article Writing

Conducting online research and writing an article or blog post from scratch. This is on an hourly basis of $45 per hour.

Research Interviewing

This service includes interviewing you or a colleague in order to write a blog or article, or gathering research data. Research interviewing is on an hourly basis of $55 per hour.

Grant Writing & Research

Searching Foundation Directory, contacting potential funders, prioritizing applications, interviewing staff and collecting information, and writing grant application narratives. $65 per hour or ask about project pricing.

Rush Rates: When work is required within 24 hours from when all files/materials/instructions are received, prices are double the usual rates. When work is required within 72 hours, prices are one-and-a-half times the usual rates.

“Sthea helped me express in writing what I didn’t know how to put into words.

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